Successful Growing Organizations are a lot like people; they’re living, ever-changing entities with distinct personalities and characteristics, driven by a complex mix of ideas, attitudes, culture, strengths and weaknesses. Excellerate solves challenges with innovative thinking, fresh perspectives and transformative vision.
Excellerate’s Business Velocity Process is based on various industry-leading evaluation and transformation methodologies. It is split into three phases – Assessment, Action Planning and Execution.

During the Assessment phase, Excellerate helps identify and articulate what makes your business tick and what differentiates your business model from the competition. The focus is on understanding the character, values, goals and objectives of the company, as well as the people and processes currently in place.
Informed with a concise understanding of the state of the business, and its long-term strategy, imperatives, goal and objectives, the Action Planning phase involves strategically exploring specific organizational change, transition, and transformation that will accelerate the company toward its goals, assessing risk and evaluating financial metrics. What to exploit through innovative change, what to explore and create through innovative transformation and how to transition those efforts into business value.
The Execution phase involves fine-tuning and implementing the plan, communicating expectations, managing change, tracking results, maximizing and aligning existing resources, as well as providing potential requirements for additional skills and tools, on either a project, initiative, program or longer-term outsourced solution.